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Formularz Reklamacji Towarów
Rodzaj żądania reklamacyjnego:
Rodzaj żądania reklamacyjnego:
1. Wymiana towaru na nowy
2. Nieodpłatna naprawa towaru
3. Obniżenie ceny towaru o kwotę ...
4. Odstępuję od umowy i zwrot ceny towaru na konto ...



This is the tab in which we will describe quite simply what the return policy is about :)

So, in accordance with applicable regulations, you have the right to return the product that you purchased in our store, and it was available immediately.

What does it mean ?

We offer various products, some you can buy by selecting it from the offer, and some are made especially for you (personalized jewelry).

If you choose a product available on offer, you have the right to a return within 14 days of receiving the product.

A detailed description of the return can be found in the REGULATIONS tab

However, when you choose a product that we have to make especially for you, things are a bit different ...

Exceptions to withdraw from a distance contract are set out in Art. 38 of the Act on consumer rights. From this article, we can find out when the consumer is not entitled to withdraw from the contract. When ordering jewelery with your own inscription, point 3 of Art. 38, which says that you cannot withdraw from a distance contract in the case of contracts where the subject of the service is a non-prefabricated item, manufactured according to the consumer's specifications or serving to satisfy his individual needs.


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